
公司文化不对, 员工& 公司形成对立面,加入商道后, 落地改善文化, 提升凝聚力,业绩一年提升17.5%,净利润直接提升5%。
Well Done Holdings

Company's culture was not conducive and leading to a rift between employees and the company. However, after
joining Shangdao Business Academy, efforts were made to improve it’ s culture, enhancing bonding among the team. As a result, the performance improved by 17.5% within a year, with a direct increase in net profit by 5%.
建筑材料 行业,加入之前, 账目亏损6位数,长达 6个月,加入商道之后,运用了十大战略,12个月 就回本, 第13个月开始盈利,盈利达到6位数
Performance Portfolio

Before joining Shangdao Business Academy, the
company experienced a six-figure loss in accounts for
six consecutive months. However, after joining Shangdao Business Academy and implementing its 10 Keys Strategies, the company managed to break even their performance within 12 months and began to profitting, reaching a six-figure profit from the 13th month onward
学习阿米巴经营后,明确了公司的愿景使命价值观 以及战略,从每个月亏损,到现在把业务发展至整 个东南亚。

After learnt and implementation of Amoeba Management Strategy, we defined company's Mission, Vision, Core Values and strategies. With Shangdao Business Academy, we’ve transitioned from monthly losses to expanding our business across Southeast Asia.
带着公司伙伴到商道学习后,伙伴从原本的互相推 卸责任到能够统一目标,互相支持短短半年业绩从 46M增长到67M
Dato Jason Lee
Pembinaan Sujaman

After bringing our company partners and employees to learn with Shangdao Business Academy, they transitioned from blaming each other to aligning their goals and supporting one another. Our performance
grew from 46 million to 67 million in just six months
公司面临严重亏损, 濒临倒闭,加入商道后, 导师一直给予咨询 & 帮助, 不断调整, 2年后, Profit Margin 得到 3%- 4%
Adam Tang
T.Y.C. Ready Mixed Concrete

Before joining Shangdao Business Academy, the company was facing severe losses and was on the brink of bankruptcy. After joining Shangdao Business Academy, we provided consistent guidance and assistance, with
2 years of continuous adjustments, their profit margin improved to 3%-4%.
平均3-4个月才能聘请到一位音乐老师,人才短缺 严重,加入商道后,调整了薪酬体系 & 清晰的愿景, 团队目标明确, 人才的加入大大提升。
CPJ Music Education Group

Before joining Shangdao Business Academy, they took an average of 3-4 months to hire a music teacher due to severe shortages of talent in their area. After joining Shangdao Business Academy, adjustments were made to the remuneration system, and a clear vision
was established with clearer team goals, as well as their talent acquisition significantly improved.
虽然公司做越大,但效率没有提升,问题越来越多, 甚至面临倒闭,加入商道后,公司越做越好利润也 明显提升了。
Clement Lim
Pastry World

Despite company's expansion, our efficiency did not improve and problems continued to mount, eventually leading to the brink of closure. However, upon joining Shangdao Business Academy, our company
began to thrive, and profits increased significantly.

Through Shangdao Business Academy, we have successfully established our corporate management philosophy, Consequently with made precise decisions based on data, our employees motivation and happiness level have increased, and our profits have surged
from 1% to 10%.